Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Evelyn, aka Starfishy asked, "Do you have a "landmark" that marks your return home? Evelyn showed us a picture of the harbor near her home. Then Dot of Rantala Rags responded by posting a picture of her landmark; a "Welcome to Montana" sign.

What landmarks stand out from your part of the world?

This is a picture of the mountain that I see from my living room window. (The picture was not taken from my living room window though--I headed to the outskirts of town to get a picture with nothing distracting in the foreground.)

The patch of snow in the middle of the mountain represents an angel. (If you look closely you can see her head, body, and wings.) When the snow melts from this mountain in the spring, this patch of snow is left. This mountain with the angel is definitely something that identifies my town.


  1. What a gorgeous view from your house! Quite unusual about the angel patch--kinda like watching clouds.

    They call these hills around here "mountains" but what you are showing really is one!

  2. Beautiful view from your window. Me, I look out at what feels like a junk yard parking lot as my neighbors seem to have about 5 cars in varying states parked on the street and backlane... The rest of the view is taken up with nice houses, nothing fancy, as I'm right in the city on the praries -- so nothing sticks up above the horizon to see....

  3. How cool! I can totally see the angel!

  4. Interesting question - I don't really have a now I'm home kind of thing for the house but for our condo as you are getting close you go around a curve in the road and the mountains are laid out in front of you. Of course as Linda said you might consider them hills.

  5. I love your landmark - and I can totally see the angel! Great photo!


